Storm Shelters!
The best Storm Shelter value!
Granger ISS Storm Shelter on The Weather Channel
Tornado Shelter gets Foam Filled Innovation!

In the quest for perfection, Granger Industries continues its process of relentless improvements by now offering ALL Granger ISS Tornado Shelters to offer industry leading, double wall, foam filled protection! This addition of foam allows for an increased structural design while drastically reducing on condensation or sweating issues that plague and eventually ruin other shelters! Don't subject your family to mosquito cess pools and flooded, rotting shelters! Go with the experienced World leader who continues to prove safety and innovation with a world class leading product from Granger Industries!
Storm Shelter Doors- In Color!
Storm Shelters offer your family a much needed level of protection against storms and tornados. Many consumers wish for Storm Shelter to have some aethehtic value as well as the life saving protection that is offered by industry leading Underground Safety Shelters, such as the Granger ISS. The Granger ISS now offers the industry leading door in the following upgrade colors:
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Other colors for custom upgraded doors for Underground Storm Shelters include a grey granite, dark grey, terra cotta and more! Please ask your dealer for pricing and details on custom color options when ordering your Granger ISS Storm Shelter!
The only Storm Shelter with a Safe Room/Panic Room quality door!
See the new generation of Granger ISS Tornado Shelter doors under go FEMA 320 & FEMA 361 testing at Texas Tech University's Wind Science & Engineering Research Center. The Granger ISS is an underground Tornado Shelter, so in theory, it only needed to be tested to FEMA 320 standards. Due to the high quality engineering staff at Granger Plastics, the Tornado Shelter door not only meets or exceed FEMA 320 standards, it also meets Above Ground Safe Room criteria by exceeding the FEMA 361 standards. The same door passed (2) tests, being impacted (3) times by a 15 pound 2 x 4 at 67 mph, then seeing an additional (3) impacts, by a 15 pound 2 x 4 at 100 mph. Even though the second test was unnecessary due to the Granger ISS Tornado Shelter being an underground unit, but went forward with the more grueling test anyway to display Granger's commitment to safety, innovation and quality. This is all just another example of why Granger Plastics produces the best tornado shelter available for single family consumers. Granger Plastics has been manufacturing Tornado Shelters for over 15 years currently. Even gaining international attention as early as 10 years ago from Internationally recognized publications such as Plastics News, USA Today and a number of news channels and media outlets across the country!
Granger ISS Tornado Shelter- USA TODAY

Granger ISS Tornado Shelters- Fox 19
Granger ISS Storm Shelter- Local 12
Granger Plastics- Plastics News- August 2001

Granger Plastics- Plastics News- August 2001

Granger Plastics has been building Tornado Shelters for over 15 years now! Unlike many, who opt to only seasonally get into the business, or only pursue the business when the storm season is convenient for them, Granger Plastics manufactures World Class innovations year round, for over 17 years now. Granger has innovated its own patented Tornado Shelter design.
Read more about the Granger ISS Storm Shelter features, dealers and Frequently Asked Tornado Shelter questions.
Granger ISS Door Guarantee
Granger Plastics, a world leading Rotational Molding company, takes great pride in its manufacturing of safety products, such as Tornado Shelters. When your Granger ISS Tornado Shelter door does its job of saving you and your families lives from an inclement, National Weather Service verified Tornado and your Tornado Shelter door sees impact damage from Tornado debris, Granger Plastics and your local dealer will replace your door free of charge. Just pay shipping and handling and you will recieve a brand new door, to ensure your families safety. As simple as that! We are committed to your family's safety!
Granger Plastics Company has a long history of researching and converting products to polyethylene. One of the most converted materials is Fiberglass. Inferior molecular structure, issues with rotting and deterioration as well as expensive repairs are only a few of the issues with fiberglass. The superior durability and extremely long life span as well as being practically maintenance free are just a few of the reasons our customers choose to switch to polyethylene. It is easy to see how these same qualities of both fiberglass and polyethylene should be considered when making your tornado shelter investment.
Rotomolding Company Continues Growth Converting Fiberglass Products to Polyethylene
Press release date: August 25, 2011
As times are changing and the corporate world wants to stretch every dollar, Granger Plastics is being sought out to convert fiberglass products into polyethylene. Polyethylene's durability, long life span and superior molecular structure make the transition a logical choice for many original equipment manufacturers and other companies. Granger Plastics has made many of these conversions to the great satisfaction of our customers demonstrating the company motto of "Solutions Beyond Expectations".

"Having introduced the world's first all-polyethylene rear trailer 'cone' as the replacement for 'cones' that have historically been fiberglass, we are pleased to advise that the new PolyCone produced by Granger Plastics Company is performing well in the field: Better impact resistance, better scuff resistance and lower cost. When a PolyCone is dented in the field, we just push it back into its original shape and send our enclosed car hauling equipment back on the road. Damage to fiberglass has always required bodywork to repair. We are pleased with the results of our material conversion project with GPC.
-Jim Prang
Director of Maintenance
Precision Motor Transport Group
Okemos, MI
Granger ISS Tornado Shelters
The extremely durable, innovative, polymer construction of the Inground Storm Shelters can provide a useful life span that under most conditions should exceed 500 years! Unlike concrete, steel and fiberglass Storm Shelters, the Polyethylene (Plastics) construction won't deteriorate, alleviating concerns and maintenance issues that apply to other materials. Concrete shelters tend to settle and form cracks throughout the unit. With fiberglass moisture is a problem causing the unit to crack, deteriorate and/or possibly rot. Unlike Steel units, the Inground Storm Shelter will not rust or corrode. The extremely thick 1/2" double wall construction, offers not only the extreme strength of a rotationally molded product, but offers a wall thickness combination that exceeds most single wall units.
Storm Shelter Comparisons

Our Storm Shelters are in stock! No deposit required with a long wait! No waiting 4-6 weeks to get your unit! Order today, your unit can ship today!